Hear From Our Community: Real Stories, Real Success

Welcome to our Testimonials page, where the voices of our ILCA community come to life! Here, you’ll find inspiring stories and genuine experiences from members who have embarked on their crypto journeys with the Ivey League Crypto Academy.

Our community is diverse, filled with individuals from all walks of life, united by a shared passion for cryptocurrency and a commitment to learning and growth.

Discover the Impact of the Ivey League Crypto Academy


Brandon Ivey

Brandon Ivey is a renowned expert in cryptocurrencies and the Metaverse, offering a unique blend of educational programs through the Ivy League Crypto Academy. His expertise helps students from various backgrounds understand the complexities of the crypto space, empowering them to navigate and thrive in this dynamic environment.

  • Courses: Tailored to your experience level, dive deep into the world of digital currencies and blockchain technology.

  • Coaching: Offers personalized one-on-one sessions with Brandon Ivey, designed to enhance your understanding and skills in cryptocurrencies. Tailor-made to meet your individual needs, these coaching sessions provide deep insights and strategies to help you excel in the crypto market.

"THE education that i'm receiving has been nothing less than a blessing"

When I got into crypto currency back in 2019, I had no idea what I was doing. I bought a little bitcoin and the second it went up, I sold it. I thought that's what you were supposed to do. I watched a few YouTube videos just to get a better understanding but I really didn't learn much. I can't tell you how many times I joined "crypto platforms" that that just ran off with my money.

I was about to give up on crypto until I ran into a friend that told me about a guy named Brandon Ivey. It only too for me to watch one of Brandon's "crypto talks" and I was hooked.

I later found out that he had an educational platform called the "Ivey league Crypto Academy".

That was exactly what I was looking for so I went all in.

- Michael Pendleton

Prelvis lofties -

entreprenuer and crypto trader


I am a proud 5 year student of Brandon Bitcoin Ivey. When I first started learning about Cryptocurrency it didn't make any sense to me; to be honest; it was down right scary! I'm the type of person who has very little patience when it comes to learning anything technical....it was not going to happen. But, something deep inside told me I needed to take this step and get crypto educated!

So, I made the decision to start. Thank Goodness I did!! Before, I was just a stay at home mom, but, because of Brandon Ivey and ILCA crypto education; I am not just a stay at home mom...now, I am an Entrepreneur, Investor; Motivator, and Future Billionaire!!

Thank you Brandon for all sharing your gifts and knowledge with the world. Every day someone is thanking you for helping them improve their life!

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- Marnita Casa


"The key to success for me in crypto currency investing is education"

I'll begun my crypto journey on Good Friday 2021 & Crypto Currency has been very Good to me!

It all started when a dear friend introducing me to Twin Turbo TRX and there I was introduced to Brandon Ivey, Founder & CEO of The Ivey League Crypto Academy (ILCA). I was new to blockchain and smart con- tract technology, but Brandon through his keen ability to teach by telling stories, I was able to gain working knowledge of cryptocurrency investing.

Now, about year later, I have enrolled in ILCA, I have thirteen different coins and accumulation of over twenty four million coins! That all sounds great, but with out proper education and sound investment strategies all will be in danger of been lost.

The key to success for me in crypto currency investing is education.

Like "Bitcoin Brandon" has instructed us; Education Is Key!

Education Is Everything!

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- Bernard Lawson

Jacqueline briggs -

"The education provided through ILCA is priceless"

One of Mr. Brandon Ivey's prime directives is "Education is key." This is very true. I have gained so much knowledge through the Ivey League Crypto Academy (ILCA). Before attending ILCA, I knew very little about cryptocurrency. In the ILCA, I have learned the history of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, how blockchain technology works, the difference between centralized and decentralized exchanges, the importance of secure wallets, and how to invest using alternative coins. The education provided through ILCA is priceless. I highly recommend ILCA for anyone getting involved with cryptocurrency.

janelle appling - entreprenuer


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